Recycled Products from Recycling Services
Product Recovery Industries provides services to land developers, builders & specialist contractors for the removal / recycling of sand, bricks & concrete. We transport waste and/or recycled materials within the Perth Metropolitan area at very competitive rates.
Construction & Demolition Waste Recycling: 80-90% IS OUR TARGET
Come and see how our Material Recovery Facility can successfully increase resource recovery rates from C&D waste and help improve Western Australia’s environmental credentials. Work with Product Recovery Industries to make waste sustainability a reality.
Why Choose Us
(DWER) Department of Water and Environmental Regulation
Product Recovery Industries Pty Ltd has Dept. Water and Environmental Regulation licensed waste recycling processing capacity of over 1 Million tonnes in Western Australia. This makes us one of the largest recycling companies in the state for construction & demolition waste recycling.
Certified Product Range
We receive clean “inert materials”at our Material Recycling Facility, centrally located at 34 Jackson Street in Bayswater. These are processed into viable recycled materials for use in construction and civil infrastructure.
Using recycled materials reduces our reliance on the basic raw materials, currently in high demand in Perth. We have strict operating guidelines &a DER license with a rigours testing regime to comply with best practice principles.
Industry Updates
Segregate Your Waste Streams to Save Money
Product Recovery Industries launches educational program for construction, civil & demolition businesses. As the increasing cost of landfill levy continues to rise and the cost of processing the ...State Govenment Backs Recycling With Grant
State Government launches the RCPP. (Recycled Construction Product Program). As part of the “closed loop” thinking around the continued use of recycled materials generated from Construction, Civil ...Landfill Levy Increases
Resource Recovery Solutions is also a Western Australian Local Government Association preferred supplier. Pre-qualified to supply &receives recyclable materials....