Segregate Your Waste Streams to Save Money
Product Recovery Industries launches educational program for construction, civil & demolition businesses.
As the increasing cost of landfill levy continues to rise and the cost of processing the surplus materials left behind or collected from the civil & demolition sector grows. The need to separate and segregate your inert materials on site, so they can be recycled at a cheaper price than the mixed stockpile processing of construction waste is providing significant cost savings.
Have a look at the cost of tipping mixed construction waste at our facility in 34 Jackson Street compared with other sites & landfills in the local area. You will quickly see that any time spent on site with plant or labour to get a cleaner waste stream to the gatehouse or weighbridge is going to save you money.
If your site / project is tight for space we can always come to you to process the materials on site. Or use commingled recycling skips which would require a little more processing cost with increased tipping rates.
The key thing to remember is that you pay the landfill levy on the tonne at the weighbridge in any supply chain. Weather you process and control the materials & waste on site or allow your subcontractors to do if for you. Why not ask the question… “where are you taking that to dispose of it”?
Cover yourselves with regards to environmental risk, corporate social responsibility, brand image and potentially arrange for the collection of these materials with us direct rather than paying a third party a tidy profit margin with no control on the actual volume or tonnage of waste delivered to the landfill from your various projects or sites.
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